Proudly supporting our local arts community since 2005.

Flyers and posters are one of the most effective ways to promote your organization's events and activities. Poster distribution is also a time-consuming activity that drains staff and volunteer resources. If you have an upcoming performance, fundraiser or community event have us handle your posters so you can focus on other priorities!


We have been hanging posters for area non-profits, businesses,
government agencies and community events since 2005.

Posters are taped to windows and tacked to corkboards in banks, cafes, retailers, restaurants, office buildings, government buildings and public spaces from Aspen to Glenwood Springs. There are currently 86 locations on our list – ever-changing as businesses close, new businesses open, and rules change regarding where posters can be hung.

STEP 1 >>> Schedule your Poster for Hanging

STEP 2 >>> Design & Print Your Poster

STEP 3 >>> See Your Posters Everywhere

Details & FAQ’s

Cost >>> $350

Poster Placement services, including initial hanging and weekly follow up, is $350 - invoiced with each order and payable net 15 - via check or

Venmo @PosterPlacement

Poster Design

What we have found works best:

  • Bold colors

  • Strong visuals

  • A simple, short message

  • A clear call to action

  • QR code + phone number .

See our quarterly Field Report
for additional guidance

Printing >>>

Our preferred printing vendor is
Aspen Reprographics

They offer great quality, quick turn, and a 20% discount on Poster Placement orders.


Poster Quantity >>>

130 posters to cover the route.

  • 70 11x17 posters +

  • 60 8.5x11 posters

Some 90 of those are used the initial week of hanging. We use the balance over the next 3-4 weeks to replenish your posters as they get weathered, taken down or taken home.


Proudly supporting our vibrant arts community since 2005.
Over the years, we have hung posters for most everyone:

5Points Film Festival / A Taste of Aspen / A Way Out / ACRA / ACT /Advocate Safehouse / Alchemy of Prahna / Anderson Ranch / AREday / Ascendigo / Aspen Art Museum / Aspen Camp of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing / Aspen Center for Environmental Studies / Aspen Center for Integrated Health / Aspen Chamber Resort Association / Aspen Chapel / Aspen Choral Society / Aspen Education Foundation / Aspen Choral Society / Aspen Community Foundation / Aspen Community School / Aspen Community Theater / Aspen Country Day / Aspen Film / Aspen Fringe Festival / Aspen High School / Aspen Highlands Race Department / Aspen Historical Society / Aspen Institute / Aspen Jewish Congregation / Aspen Medical Foundation / Aspen Music Festival / Aspen Parks and Recreation / Aspen Parking Department / Aspen Police Department / Aspen Public Radio / Aspen Red Brick Center for the Arts / Aspen Santa Fe Ballet / Aspen Science Center / Aspen Skiing Company / Aspen Strong / Aspen Valley Hospital / Aspen Valley Land Trust / Aspen Valley Medical Foundation / Aspen Valley Polo Club / Aspen Valley Ski Club / Aspen Words / Aspen Youth Center / AZYEP / Basalt Arts Council / Basalt Chamber of Commerce / Basalt Library / Belly Up Aspen / Beyul Retreat / Big B's Farms / Big Hoss Grill / Buddy Program - Aspen / Carbondale Chamber of Commerce / Carbondale Clay Center / Carbondale Community School / Carbondale Council on Arts and Humanities / Carbondale Rodeo / Challenge Aspen / Chris Klug Foundation / Christ Episcopal Church / City of Aspen / Colorado Extreme Hockey / Colorado Mountain College / Colorado West Productions / CORE / Consensual Improv / Cornerstone Christian Academy / Corwin Gallery / Crystal Palace / Crystal River Ballet / Drishti Beats / EcoFest / EmpireOfCrime / English In Action / Firefly / FocusOnKids / Friends of Pandoras / Gala Aspen / Garfield County / Gary Ski Week / GirlScouts of Colorado / Glenwood Car Show / Glenwood Caverns / Glenwood Chamber of Commerce / Glenwood Springs Center for the Arts / Glenwood Vaudville Review /  / Gala Aspen / Garfield County / Girl Scouts of Colorado / Grassroots TV / Habitat for Humanity / Here House / Hospice of the Valley / Hudson-Reed Ensemble / Independence Pass Foundation / Inspire Aspen / Iron Mountain Hotsprings / Jayne Gottlieb Productions / Jazz Aspen Snowmass / KAJX / KDNK / Kites for Kids / KMTS /  KOTO / KSPN / Lead With Love / Lemonade Days / Light It Up Blue Aspen / Lions Club of Glenwood Springs / Love Notes Project / Loving Tree / Magic Space / Music Associates of Aspen / Palisade Bluegrass Festival / powder to the people / Pitkin County Emergency Management / Pitkin County Public Health / Rally The Valley / Response / Red Brick Center for the Arts / RFTA / River Bridge Regional Center / Rocky Mountain Institute / Roaring Fork Leadership / Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers / Roaring Fork School District / Shakti Shala / Snow Lodge / Snowmass Rodeo / Snowmass Tourism / Snowmass Village Recreation Center / Snowmass Wine Festival / Sol Theater / Spellbinders / SpringBoard / Stage Aspen / Strawberry Shortcut / SummitForLife / Sunlight Mountain Resort / Susan G. Komen Foundation / TACAW / The Art Base / The Aspen Thrift Store / The Collective - Snowmass / The Spirit of Wholeness / Theatre Aspen / The Aspen Club / Thunder River Theater Company / Town of Basalt /  Town of Snowmass Village / Trashmasters / True Nature Healing Arts / Valley View Hospital / Waldorf School / Western Slope College Fair / Wheeler Opera House / Wilderness Workshop / Windstar Foundation / Women's Voices / Women's Foundation of Colorado / YouthZone


How We Got Started

In 2005, Aspen High School freshman Connor Gleason needed to earn money for a sisters city exchange program to Chamonix, France. With an idea from his dad and a red Schwinn cruiser, he made the rounds at Aspen's Red Brick Center for the Arts. By the day's end he had his first three clients and an interview on KAJX (Thank you Mitzi Rapkin and Laura Whitley). Connor is now in his 30s, teaching outdoor sports to kids, but still fills-in at Poster Placement from time to time.

Poster Placement Today

Poster Placement CEO Gary Gleason is lifelong Aspen resident, an avid outdoorsman, and successful entrepreneur. He has provided leadership and management for Poster Placement since it's inception, heading client relations, administration and operations. He is grateful for the support of a great field team:

Connor Gleason & Chris Fannon